Home Nuestro trabajo Experimentación Plataforma de Innovación Social en el sur de Tailandia
Agirre Lehendakaria Center in collaboration with UNDP Thailand.
- Community actions 11
- Small and mid scale initiatives 12
- Large scale initiatives 5
- New public services 2
- New regulation mechanisms 2
Crear una identidad del sur (Pattani-Malayan) a través de la comida.
Hay una falta de valor agregado en la producción local.
Los productos orgánicos son atractivos para un grupo específico con alto poder adquisitivo, no hay incentivo para el consumo masivo.
Hay una falta de regulación para proteger al pescador local y está cambiando su forma de vida.
Hay una falta de valor agregado en la producción local.
Las tres provincias más al sur no cuentan con suficientes productores para generar un alto retorno económico.
Necesitamos desarrollar capacidades y habilidades y crear una red para emprendedores locales.
El sistema alimentario del Sur debe ser reestructurado.
Existe la necesidad de identificar el valor de los alimentos como una herramienta para generar confianza entre las diferentes etnias.
La alimentación como motor del desarrollo.
Todo el sistema alimentario debe desarrollarse para priorizar el modo de vida local.
The Social Innovation platform in Southern Thailand focuses on the transformation of the current food system in the area. This is one of the richest regions in the field of gastronomy, agriculture and fishing.
However, even before the Covid-19, the food system was already struggling from many challenges in different areas, such as lack of infrastructure, aging population and shortage of skilled labor, youth migration, uncertain political situation, antagonism between rural and urban areas, rubber monoculture, etc. Furthermore, since the outbreak, food production and the supply chain have been disrupted and many people are threatened with acute food insecurity.
Within this context, the Social Innovation Platform aims to promote the local food industry and the region's culinary heritage, working as an integration engine that brings together a variety of actors, and interconnect existing and new initiatives to enable a systemic transformation.
Currently, on the basis of the conducted listening work in Southern Thailand, a series of solutions proposals are being co-designed to fit the local needs and opportunities, including initiatives to help young entrepreneurs in the food-industry rebuild their businesses after COVID-19 and adjust to the "new normal".