
Social Innovation Platform in Prishtina

Sector: Urban Transformation Country: Kosovo

Agirre Lehendakaria Center in collaboration with UNDPs Europe and Central Asia's City Experiment Fund (funded by the Slovak Ministry of Finance) and Mayor's for Economic Growth

In 2021, five cities from across the Europe and Central Asian region embarked on an exploration of a new approach to problem solving, which is rooted in systems thinking: Stepanavan (Armenia), Almaty (Kazakhstan), Prizren (Kosovo), Pljevlja (Montenegro) and Skopje (North Macedonia) began designing their own Social Innovation Platforms.

Now in different stages of the social innovation process, these Platforms seek to interconnect organizations and actions around shared objectives, methodologies and evaluation systems, in order to bring about systemic impact. Although a platform approach requires increased effort in the design phase and new tools for building a collective vision, it will ultimately contribute to align disconnected initiatives and to enhance their impact, cohesion and visibility.


The city of Prishtina joined the City Experiment Fund in 2022, taking as a reference what was listened t in the Kosovar city of Prizren which participated in the previous stage of CEF. The Platform is currently listening to narratives in the city around the topic of urban transformation and validating this information in collective interpretation spaces.

Profilak eta Narratibak
  • Community actions 11
  • Small and mid scale initiatives 8
  • Large scale initiatives 10
  • New public services 9
  • New regulation mechanisms 2
Funtsezko narratiba

Tener el potencial y la energía de los jóvenes en el centro de las decisiones aumentaría las posibilidades de cambio

Funtsezko narratiba

El desarrollo urbano no planificado genera estrés social entre los ciudadanos

Funtsezko narratiba

Más allá de la temporada de verano, no hay nada que te haga querer quedarte (en la ciudad)


Funtsezko narratiba

Las personas en Pristina necesitan desarrollar una conciencia colectiva de la existencia de diversas necesidades sociales.

Funtsezko narratiba

La ciudad no puede transformarse si no se solucionan los problemas básicos de habitabilidad


Funtsezko narratiba

Necesitamos un espacio de deliberación colectiva para conectarnos entre nosotros

The City Experiment Fund project is part of the Slovak Transformation Fund, financed by the Slovak Ministry of Finance. It is an effort of UNDP and the Ministry of Finance of Slovakia to support cities in applying innovative approaches to tackle complex challenges in the system. Spread across five cities, this project helps build capabilities within UNDP and the supporting municipalities to work on problems with a systems lens. 


The Mayors for Economic Growth (M4EG) is a joint EU & UNDP initiative to support Mayors and their teams in the Eastern Partnership region. The M4EG offers resources, network and learning opportunities to explore new trajectories of growth, and to make towns and cities more attractive for people and investment.