ALC participates in the UIK summer course "Arantzazun bizi: iragana, orainaldia eta etorkizuna zer?"

22 and 23 of July, 2024, at Arantzazulab (Gandiaga Topagunea)

The course will take place in Arantzazulab on 22 and 23 July, with the aim of exploring and deepening the identity and meaning of Arantzazu as a space of reference for Basque society. Through the joint analysis of the natural and cultural trails that link the future of Arantzazu with that of the Basque Country, the aim is to understand the contribution of this place in the formation of a diverse and united community. The session seeks to address essential questions about the continuity of the legacy of figures such as Gandiaga and Azurmendi, as well as about the creation of new forms of cooperation. In addition, research will be carried out on how Arantzazu can continue to be a meeting and reflection point to respond to the complex challenges of the future.


Agirre Lehendakaria Center (ALC) will participate in the roundtable "Euskal Herriaren etorkizuna Arantzazu-tik: Behar al dugu gure herriaren biziraupenerako sustraiko gaien inguruan herri anbizioz aritzeko eta pentsamendu berria sortzeko gunerik?" which will take place on 23 July, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., together with Urko Aiartza Azurtza, director of TMelab; Mireia Zárate Aguirre, director of the Sabino Arana Fundazioa; Naiara Goia Imaz, director of Arantzazulab; and with Antonio Casado da Rocha from the UPV/EHU as moderator.