Home Work Experimentation Oxfam Intermón: Social Innovation Platforms in Care Systems
Together with Oxfam Intermón, we promote a listening process to understand in depth the perceptual diversity that exists around the current care system, with a focus on the municipality of Getxo (Euskadi) and the district of Nou Barris (Catalonia).
The approach promoted by ALC in the framework of this collaboration proposes the systematization of the key elements of the social innovation approach. It lays the groundwork for the development of a collaborative learning and experimentation space to move towards a new care system connected to social needs.
Ecosystem mapping and visualization
In Nou Barris, more than 80 initiatives linked to care were identified, while in Getxo around 70 initiatives were identified. All of them are classified according to their level of impact: (i) community innovation, (ii) support for start-ups (SMEs), (iii) large-scale public-private partnerships, (iv) redesign of public services and (v) new regulations.
Spaces for listening and collective interpretation
We focus on the analysis of perceptions through the design, implementation and evaluation of a deep listening process. The analysis of the narratives and the key ideas (metanarratives) have been validated in spaces of collective interpretation with the local communities and key agents in each of the territories. These sessions have had the participation of migrant caregivers, activist profiles, political representatives, neighbors and young children of migrant parents.
- Community actions 45
- Small and mid scale initiatives 12
- Large scale initiatives 14
- New public services 34
- Regulation 15
En el fondo, les estamos haciendo un favor
Reconocemos a las personas migradas como mano de obra barata, no como personas que forman parte de nuestra cultura
Las familias recurren a esta situación de abuso e injusta por falta de recursos
Cuidar me limita en mi proyecto vital y hace que traspase los cuidados
Los cuidados son un derecho y la solución pasa por un abordaje intersectorial
El sector privado en el sistema de cuidados parchea la falta de recursos del sector público
Necesitamos nuevos modelos de financiación y liderazgo
La clave para el cambio está en interpelar a los hombres
Ha habido mucho sacrificio en generaciones pasadas y las hijas/os de inmigrantes somos la esperanza
Co-creation and co-design of new solutions connected to existing projects. Design and prototyping of an experimentation portfolio
Prototypes should be contrasted with local communities and key stakeholders in the next phases of the process, through co-creation sessions. We identified a first menu of initiatives at various levels of intervention, which respond to one or more narratives identified in the listening process:
The process has highlighted the necessary transformation in the role of institutions: they are expected to be able to lead the creation and implementation of spaces that facilitate participation and collaboration between the different social agents in the search for collaborative solutions and joint learning.