Home Work Experimentation Social Innovation Platform in Hushe Valley
Agirre Lehendakaria Center in collaboration for UNDP Pakistan, UNDP Regional HUB for Asia Pacific and Baltistan Foundation
- Community actions 11
- Small and mid scale initiatives 12
- Large scale initiatives 7
- New public services 6
- New regulation mechanisms 1
La agricultura es un motor de desarrollo.
Las personas que migran no adquieren nuevas habilidades y están enraizadas en el mismo sistema
El Covid 19 ha ampliado las desigualdades existentes en la educación.
Es casi imposible abrir un negocio que tenga éxito en el valle.
La gente necesita salir para tener éxito (no hay ayuda desde adentro).
Hay muchas barreras para el desarrollo del turismo interno y externo.
La migración como única solución para salir de la pobreza y adquirir habilidades.
La comunidad no se moviliza para exigir sus derechos al Gobierno.
Podemos hacer las cosas de manera diferente. Las mujeres pueden aprender nuevas habilidades para ganar algo de dinero aparte.
La educación no es para todos
The Social Innovation Platform in Hushe Valley is co-designed, implemented and evaluated in the northernmost area administered by Pakistan, with the main objective to build new territorial development approaches in food system transformation as a drive for socio-economic change in the valley.
The needs and opportunities related to the food economy were identified through deep listening and systems mapping exercises conducted with multiple communities in the valley. The portfolio aims to work closely with local stakeholders and in partnership with the government, local SDG units, civil society, private sector, local start-ups and between project units in UNDP Pakistan.
The team works closely with local farmers and women’s cooperative society with the aspiration to create a sustainable production of high-quality products. The priority issues are food security and generation of sustainable income. Throughout 2021 and 2022 five prototypes have been developed:
- Apricot production
- Tunnel farming
- Herbal tea
- Women’s handicrafts development
- Digital skills building for youth and women