Work4Progress: Innovation for fostering employment

"la Caixa" Foundation
Agirre Lehendakaria Center, through the center's director, leads the scientific management of the international Work4Progress programme of "la Caixa" Foundation. Launched in 2017, it seeks to promote innovation and quality employment among women and young people in vulnerable situations in India, Mozambique, Peru and Colombia; with special emphasis on sustainable technological innovation and green jobs in rural areas.

Work4Progress applies ALC's Social Innovation Platform approach, seeking interconnection between organizations and actions around shared objectives, methodologies and evaluation systems, in order to achieve systemic impact.

So far, the programme has reached more than 140,000 people, of whom more than 60% are women and more than 46% are young people. We have defined and tested 166 prototypes of businesses, services and technological innovations that have enabled more than 19,000 inclusive companies to be launched and more than 40,000 new jobs to be created.

We promote Social Innovation Platforms

through listening, co-creation, prototyping and acceleration of innovative solutions adapted to the local cultural context, thus increasing their capacity for success and impact in the territory