Home Work Experimentation Social Innovation Platform in Gorontalo
Agirre Lehendakaria Center in collaboration with UNDP Indonesia, UNDP Regional Hub for Asia Pacific local governance and SDG localization, and Ministry of Villages.
- Community actions 12
- Small and mid scale initiatives 6
- Large scale initiatives 6
- New public services 10
- New regulation mechanisms 6
Hay una falta de valor agregado en la producción local.
Covid crisis only reinforces previously existing structural problems.
Con fuentes locales e infraestructuras sostenibles, este podría ser un lugar turístico global.
Los programas de desarrollo no tienen en cuenta la capacidad y el conocimiento de la población local.
Lack of infrastructures is blocking the economy.
No hay inversión necesaria porque la educación no es una prioridad.
Public sector acts as a mere donor but does not get really involved.
Hay valor en los alimentos como motor para el desarrollo.
The people-powered portfolio of the province of Gorontalo has 37 interconnected initiatives within the 5 levels of intervention.
Among them there are some existing projects that are working well for the community, new prototypes that emerged from the previous processes (deep listening, sensemaking and co-creation) and pilots ( inspiring projects working in similar regions) all correspond to a pattern of narrative ( personas). The portfolio is divided into 4 thematic areas: tourism, food system and development of local products (Prukades), waste management and infrastructure.
During the prototyping phase in 2022, the SIP team on the ground have worked to implemented one of the prototypes in Ponelo Island: Development of the featured products of the village cluster – PRUKADES, which is considered a crucial tool for the growth of the local economy in the Ponelo villages. This can be achieved by improving the quality of these products, creating better marketing strategy and enabling market linkage. Therefore, providing the business owners and producers with adequate tools and knowledge were the first conducted activities around this prototype. From these trainings, three products have been selected as prior to be developed into a business plan and to scale up on a second phase: fish floss, banana chips and dried anchovy processing.